About US


Engineers Without Borders at The George Washington University is a collegiate, student-run organization that allies with communities at home and abroad to devise unique and sustainable solutions for underserved areas. Our goal is to empower partner communities to meet their needs and challenge our students to extend their engineering knowledge beyond the classroom to meet these needs. Our current programs aim to partner with communities to design and implement sustainable engineering solutions in India, Uganda, and in the DC Metro area.

We are affiliated with EWB-USA, a national non-profit organization comprised of almost 300 collegiate and professional chapters. The GWU chapter was formed in 2011 and has grown to about 80 members. Most members are undergraduate engineering students at GW, but due to the scope and cross-disciplinary nature of our programs we welcome students and faculty of other areas of expertise to join our efforts. Graduate students and professionals from the DC area are also welcome in mentor roles.