Udaipur, India Partnership 





About the Area

Our partner community, Bhutiya, is located 50 km outside of Udaipur City, Rajasthan, India. Located in the desert region, the community of Bhutiya has long been familiar with the perils of a nine month dry season. However, studies and community feedback show that in recent years the population is experiencing elevated water scarcity. Community-wide monsoon rainwater dependency, overexploitation of groundwater resources and poor water conservation lead to crop failure and malnutrition of livestock and family members. With 70% of the southern Rajasthan population in the agriculture industry, water scarcity has a vast impact on livelihood, health, and economic stability.



Jagran Jan Vikas Samiti

To successfully plan and implement this project, the team has partnered with Jagran Jan Vikas Samiti, a local NGO well-established in the region. Their local knowledge, logistical support, and community relationships have been instrumental in establishing relations and maintaining communication. Click here to learn more about our ally’s previous programs in southern Rajasthan!

 About THE project

The Bhutiya Water Management Program aims to combat climate change-driven water scarcity, over-exploitation of groundwater resources, and inefficient irrigation practices. The first assessment trip, conducted in January 2019, served to collect technical data on water quality and conduct community surveys regarding water use and behavior. The second assessment trip, conducted in January 2020, served to solidify project scope and select a site for construction.

The project focuses on developing a percolation pond and contour trenches to promote groundwater recharge, minimize water loss caused by evaporation, and provide an alternative water source for irrigation. The next phase of this project involves investigation into and design our solution for planned implementation in April-May 2022. Ownership will ultimately rest in the hands of the Bhutiya community and great emphasis will be placed on education and training workshops. The EWB team will work with local officials to institute a Community Water Board to oversee system operation, maintenance, and finances. The project team will continue to monitor and evaluate system efficacy and impact after implementation is complete.

Fundraising is vital to securing the continued success of this program. Click here to donate and support implementation of the Bhutiya water management program.

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